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Diary Tag: sleep

Diarist B37 Day 17

October 22, 2021  Muncie, Indiana    Another strange dream about work.  The accelerator stuck careening down a hill heading back to work and I can’t…

Diarist B35 Day 17

vanilla day. that phrase, though, i should retire because i find vanilla to be a rich and complex  flavor, not the mediocre, bland, meh that the phrase evokes. today…

Diarist A28 Day 17

10/22/2021  I wake up at 3 am to the sound of…. hammering? No, no. It’s just the neighbor behind us working on car with what…

Diarist A25 Day 17

EDLM October 22, 2021  I wake early today around 5:00 a.m. and am not ready to get up. I’m not fighting to go back to sleep which is wasted energy that leads…

Diarist A23 Day 17

October 22 looked like this…    7:45am – i was dreaming. something about people falling.   I wake up, trying to remember how much time I have to myself…

Diarist A15 Day 17

Diary Day  October 22, 2021    This was an unusual day in that I was on vacation at Orange Beach, Alabama. It does not reflect…

Diarist A07 Day 17

730: Nope, not getting up yet! M had to get up early, so we can’t have our typical coffee in bed this morning anyway, and I…

Diarist A02 Day 17

EDLM Diary  A02  10/22/2021    Awoke 7:30, but it took a few minutes to haul myself out of bed.  Slept a little longer after a late night (because of baseball…

Diarist A01 Day 17

October 22 2021    I wake and lie in bed for a few minutes, wondering what time it is, then finally turn and see 5:59…

Diarist I69 Day 16

It is a widely known fact that New Year’s Resolutions don’t work insofar as they don’t change people’s beliefs or behaviors resulting in long-term lifestyle changes; rather, they…