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Diarist A23 Day 22

May 12, 2023  An update – Since the January 1 entry, my husband and I have separated. He is now living with a good friend…

Diarist J89 Day 21

Dear Diary,   It’s January 1, 2023. I don’t know about the others who submit diary entries but to me the day I diary is always…

Diarist K94 Day 20

A Friday Diary  September 16, 2022  Muncie, IN    First, to answer the question, when does your day begin. I have a delivery job in…

Diarist A33 Day 20

EDLM  September 16, 2022    My mornings consistently start with wondering how to organize the day and by greeting my deceased husband with “I love…

Diarist F56 Day 19

Monday, April 04, 2022 I awoke at 6:00 am after a restless night. The house was cold because our furnace is randomly shutting off, so…

Diarist J88 Day 17

7:15 am. H. couldn’t wait for the alarm clock to go off. He started meowing to go out an hour early. Ignored him. Don’t want him…

Diarist J85 Day 17

I got up this morning about 8:00, turned off my CPAP and turned on the bedroom TV. I was instantly shocked by the news that…

Diarist J84 Day 17

My Diary Friday 10/22/2021    My day begins in Zionsville in the home of my daughter and son;-in-law , I will spend the day caring…

Diarist J76 Day 17

  On October 22? ?A day in the Life of?Diarist J76  ?  We got up early around 6:30 a.m. After getting dressed, we ate and participated…