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Diarist A34 Day 22

Hello All,  It has been a while since my last post.  I was unaware that I was a part of the groups after my year. …

Diarist A23 Day 22

May 12, 2023  An update – Since the January 1 entry, my husband and I have separated. He is now living with a good friend…

Diarist A02 Day 20

A02 September 16, 2022    Awoke at 7. I had thought I might sleep more after a busy, tiring week but pretty much as soon…

Diarist J88 Day 19

Diary Day 4/4/22   At 1:30 am, I arrived at Indianapolis Airport from a two-week trip to Morocco. Collected my luggage and went to the…

Diarist A23 Day 19

Monday, April 04, 2022 7:15 AM The curtain was not completely closed, and a ray of light woke me up. That’s fine though, I was…

Diarist A15 Day 19

Diary Day April 4, 2022 Today started early, about 6:40, before my phone alarm was set to ring at 7. I needed to get up…

Diarist A25 Day 16

Our dog joins us on the bed for some morning snuggles. I give her some love and check the time knowing that I want to…

Diarist A27 Day13

EDLM Entry:  Thursday, February 20, 2020 4:30 am Woke up with too many thoughts going thru my head. 5:00 am Decided to get up and…

Diarist A07 Day13

2/20/20   I don’t know that I’ve ever done a diary entry when I’m not traveling. Maybe, but the ones I remember I was traveling.…