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Diary Tag: media

Diarist A23 Day 20

September 16, 2022  In August, I took a new position within my company, at a different branch. It is an opportunity to learn a completely…

Diarist A15 Day 20

Diary Day  September 16, 2020  My husband left for a week’s vacation visiting friends and some family members in Wisconsin this morning. He left about…

Diarist A02 Day 19

Diary, April 4, 2022   Awake around 7.  Stiff, more than usual, probably from the first bout of yardwork yesterday. I remind myself that getting…

Diarist J89 Day 18

Dr. Kevin Lehman wrote, The Birth Order Book. He describes the tendencies of first, middle, and last born children. First born, follow rules, like to please people,…

Diarist I69 Day 18

Diary Day  December 9, 2021    I am sick for the first time since 2019. Twenty-one months of mask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing kept me virus-free for the…

Diarist C46 Day 18

EDLM   December 9, 2021    My wife gets up to take a shower at 6:45 and turns on the bedroom light because I also need to…

Diarist C45 Day 18

Thursday, December 9, 2021  My day, and the entire week, begins in a haze of malaise.  A both iconic and infamous word, which Jimmy Carter…

Diarist A07 Day 18

I jotted some notes throughout the day on our diary day, but honestly, it’s 4 days later and I’m just now getting to sit down and think…