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Diarist J89 Day 18

Dr. Kevin Lehman wrote, The Birth Order Book. He describes the tendencies of first, middle, and last born children. First born, follow rules, like to please people, follow rules, like to know they are doing the right thing, like to follow rules, and, did I mention follow the rules? Which makes the diary assignment challenging. How do you know if you did? the assignment correctly? What are the rules when it comes to sharing your feelings? Well, with that thought, here goes. 


I woke at 5:00. I enjoy the quiet of the morning. Slowly getting up and around. Followed my normal routine of stretching, showering and Bible reading. My wife and I have an app and are both reading through the Bible in a year. We are up to the Gospel of John. I notice how different it is from the other Gospels. I enjoy the stories which it contains. 


I got a good start on the way to work and decided to take some pressure off of Friday by getting cash and food stuffs for tomorrow’s service club meeting. I typically get cash one place and the food items at Walmart. Today I decided to save a bit of time by getting a few personal items and cash from Walmart as well as the food items for the club. I am glad I did as I ended up not spending much time at the office. 


When I got into the office I read the Star. It had an insert with the Best of Delaware County. I was pleased to see several people I knew. When moving to Muncie about 10 years ago for the job I knew one family in Muncie. After a decade it is nice to know many people and feel connected. Recently someone from Fort Wayne asked how I liked living in Muncie. The people are very friendly and it is easy to get involved I said. On reflection I would add that I do more things now than when I lived in Fort Wayne. The size of Muncie makes it very easy to get to events. There is less time involved in traveling down town or to Ball State, so I am more likely to decide to go. 


I took pictures of the people I know and emailed them shots of their names and congratulated them on their nomination. At least I started too, I did not get through all of them before the days appointments began and basically took the rest of the day. Three of the people I emailed were unaware they had been nominated. I think the Star would be interested in knowing that their Best of Winners are not aware of the contest or that they had won. 


Left for the first meeting of the day in Anderson. I not only did not get all the emails of the pictures out, I also did not get other emails answered or things done that I had hoped. Sometimes I wonder if I should get up and into work earlier. I find that after 8:00 the phone starts ringing and the phone calls can totally change what I was hoping to accomplish that day. However, I do not think I will get up any earlier. I am getting more mature, a kind way of saying old, and do not want too much of my life consumed by work. 


On the way to the meeting in Anderson I saw, on the highway heading north, as I drive south, that a semi had overturned and there was a bottleneck already about a mile long. I was glad to not be driving north on highway 69 and have to deal with that backed up traffic. 


The meeting was the first face to face meeting with the client since before covid. It is a not for profit which does a great work and makes a difference in the way they serve. It is a pleasure to work with them and help them carry out their mission. If they did not exist the lives of their clientele would be adversely impacted. It is a nice feeling to be involved in a small way in helping them carry out their mission. 


Hoped to avoid 69, in case the traffic jam was still there, on the way back to Muncie. However, there was an accident in Anderson and I got routed onto 69. First time I have had not one but two accidents on the way back to work. We had a lunch meeting next on the docket. We told the client we would phone after the prior meeting and set a place and time to eat. We set the meeting time at 12:30, which was good as the buffer time we built in was consumed by slow moving traffic. 


Lunch was at a downtown restaurant where I had not been since before covid. Good food and unique setting. We met at 12:30 and about 2:45 I said I have another meeting to get ready for and want to see what’s going on at the office. The client, who is retired, was obviously in no rush. He is also a bigger client and quite a nice guy so I tried to enjoy the meeting but stewed a bit internally at how long we went. However, had to forget any “wrong” when the client gave a calendar of a favorite sports team. 


About thirty minutes in the office before had to leave for the last client meeting of the day, also in Anderson. Did a recap of the two meetings with the other officer. He is a great guy. We only work on these two clients together so it was good spending some time with him. No phone calls to return which was a pleasant surprise. About 35 emails. I nibbled at some of them, but left knowing most will be waiting for me tomorrow. 


The last client meeting of the day with long time clients. I feel they are friends as well as clients and that they rely on and trust my advice, which makes meetings with them enjoyable and easy. We are working on items triggered by one of their parent’s passing. This is their first Holiday time with both parents gone. They are handling things well but it has too be difficult for them. We got a few items done and agreed on the next steps to take. 


I might have stayed longer but told them I had a 6:00 in Muncie. The Comprehensive Plan for our community was being presented at the Commissioners Court. I got to the office and ate a sandwich I had packed knowing I would not have time to get home and back downtown by 6:00. I drove where I thought the meeting was at, and was wrong. I went to the City building, the meeting was at the County building. Things like this make me realize I am not a native. I’m still learning names of streets and buildings. In my prior community I knew these things, still not in Muncie. 


Maybe 15 people were in the audience at Commissioner’s Courtroom. At least four of those had been involved in the process. I find it disappointing that there was not more interest in a plan which is being adopted to try and help our community advance. One of the people who was voting on whether or not to accept the plan, is a friend. We belong to a service club together. However, his job does not allow him to attend often. It was good to talk and catch up a bit before the meeting started. He is also attending school for a degree, which many years ago, I also got. I enjoyed hearing how he is doing with the course work. 


My hearing challenges were apparent to me. Everyone present wore masks, which muffled the sound of their voices. The consultants appeared via Zoom and I also could not hear them well. What I did pick up was that 1,000 people had been involved in creating the plan. That after a competitive process the consultants who will help guide the implementation of the plan had been selected. I am hopeful. 


It appears to me that our community has turned the corner and is trending up. Many people, myself included before I moved here, think poorly of Muncie. A small down on it’s luck rust belt city is how I think it is perceived. However, the people, from my experience are tremendous. The FBI investigation may have stopped the corruption and graft which seemed to have been done openly befor. The new mayor has taken steps to get the city fiscally sound and transparent. Ball State taking over the community schools has stabilized the student population and may be the harbinger of things to come in academics nationally if this experiment works out well. I know I’m being optimistic with that last statement. Apartments are being built downtown which will attract people to live and spend money in Muncie. All these things make me happy for how Muncie is currently doing. 


The meeting was only about 40 minutes long so I got home earlier than expected. My wife had run pumpkin through a food processor and I helped her get it into storage bags. About 4 bags, each a future pumpkin pie. Something to anticipate. 


Mounds State park has Christmas lights this year. The park closes at 11:00 so we decided to go. Unfortunately, the Christmas light show is over before the park closes. We drove around and could see the outline of the displays. Looked like fun, we may try and get back when they are on. 


We got home about 9:30 and I quickly got ready for bed. I was tired from a long, but good day.