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Diarist K95 Day 22

My diary day started differently this time as I was awake well past midnight because I was enjoying the women’s softball game between the Alabama…

Diarist C45 Day 21

Observations of a ‘lost’ holiday, an extended one, friends and frivolity on a long weekend..  Saturday, Dec. 31  The back-to-back holiday weekends of Christmas and…

Diarist J84 Day 19

Monday – A restful day, quite a relief after Spring Break vacation last week. We winged our way to Austin TX where we rented a…

Diarist C45 Day 18

Thursday, December 9, 2021  My day, and the entire week, begins in a haze of malaise.  A both iconic and infamous word, which Jimmy Carter…

Diarist A02 Day 18

December 9, 2021  A02    Awaken up early—not sure what time because I didn’t look.  It’s dark but that doesn’t mean much at this point in the…

Diarist G61 Day 16

Woke up late.  L. watched football games until midnight, and I used PBS passport to catch up on missed episodes of Masterpiece Theatre.  With later sunrise, we…

Diarist G58 Day 16

   Diary Day    January 3, 2021  AM  6:45  I awaken with a prayer and while in bed I plan my day.  7:10  In my mind,…

Diarist A02 Day 16

January 3 Diary    Awoke at 7:05—too early!  I was up late last night for no good reason, just reading.  Rolled over and thought about…

Diarist C45 Day 15

September 24, 2020   First diary entry since late spring, and today I come to you from an actual workspace in my regular place of…

Diarist B37 Day 15

EDLM Diary                   September 24, 2020                 Muncie.     An atypical day. Woke in futon exile bleariness, saving my wife from my snoring. No…