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Diarist A28 Day 19

EDLM April 04, 2022 Typical morning. Snooze buttons from three phones that are not at all in sync. Everyone scrambling at the last minute, tripping…

Diarist A23 Day 19

Monday, April 04, 2022 7:15 AM The curtain was not completely closed, and a ray of light woke me up. That’s fine though, I was…

Diarist A15 Day 19

Diary Day April 4, 2022 Today started early, about 6:40, before my phone alarm was set to ring at 7. I needed to get up…

Diarist G61 Day 16

Woke up late.  L. watched football games until midnight, and I used PBS passport to catch up on missed episodes of Masterpiece Theatre.  With later sunrise, we…

Diarist G58 Day 16

   Diary Day    January 3, 2021  AM  6:45  I awaken with a prayer and while in bed I plan my day.  7:10  In my mind,…

Diarist A25 Day 16

Our dog joins us on the bed for some morning snuggles. I give her some love and check the time knowing that I want to…

Diarist A07 Day 16

January 3, 2021    1045-12 (mst)    It’s a weird time for me to write this diary entry, and one that requires a little bit…