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Diarist A15 Day 16

Diary Day 

January 3, 2021 

I slept in a bit today and then I laid in bed to listen to NPR while I looked at my phone. I checked my emails, texts, Facebook and Instagram. Two NPR reports were especially interesting to me: one was about fungi and the other concerned problems with the vaccine roll-out. It was a slow, lazy start to a Sunday morning. My church is meeting on Zoom but I haven’t always connected to the service and I chose not to this morning. 

After having a light breakfast of a hard-boiled egg and bacon and getting cleaned up for the day, I read a little. I am currently reading Rising Out of Hatred for my Peace Book Club. It’s about a rising star in the White Nationalist group and how his life changes. The book is a “page turner” for me. I picked up the book several times during the day.  

For the last year, I have been walking for daily exercise. It was a New Years Resolution last year that I was semi-committed to until March. When the pandemic hit, I decided I really needed the walking to put some structure in my day as well as to try to lose some weight and do something productive during the pandemic. I made agreements with two friends who also wanted to walk more and each night we text one another our total steps for the day. The accountability is helpful, and we are encouraging to one another. I have increased my daily goal to at least 6000 steps a day. This amount requires that I get out and take a walk. I usually walk outside on campus, on the Cardinal Trail, or Morrows Meadows. We have all done quite well this year. If the weather is bad, I may walk on campus in a parking garage or at the Muncie Mall. The mall is available to walkers before the stores open which seems safe as the walkers are health conscious and wear masks. 

Today is my brother’s birthday so we spoke on the phone. He lives out of state, so I have not seen him in over a year. I miss seeing him and hope we can visit this summer.  

Several key football games were on television and the results were important to the Colts. We watched both the Colts game and the Packer’s game as we follow both teams.  

We had breakfast for dinner which consisted of blueberry pancakes and bacon. It is rare for us to have this type of meal for dinner.  

I spoke with one of my daughters on the phone during the evening. This day was quiet and typical of a winter day for me, pandemic or not… I don’t mind the sameness of the days. I find things to do to interest me through walking or another hobby such as sewing or reading. January is usually the time of year when I clean closets and generally get the house in order after the holidays.