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Diarist A23 Day09

September 17, 2018


Background – Since the last journal, I have paid off my car, as well as the line of credit I opened when I made a furniture purchase back in January. I am now using that money to stow away in savings. I want to use that for my next life-event-type purchase, my first house. I never said that I’d get married, and I have…now, I get to prove how wrong I typically am when I say “I’m never going to do X, Y, or Z” by buying a house. I consider myself very left-leaning, so much so that I don’t believe in national borders or private property. The prospect of paying rent forever, however, is scary, so I guess I have to get a house. Maybe I should just go live in the woods or something. At any rate, with the opening of that savings account, my days in Muncie are officially numbered; it is my goal to save up 5 figures, then make my move. I see the annual 20-under-40 recently came out, and it made me all the more eager to get to my “forever town”, so I can start serving it the way those folks serve Muncie. I have nothing to contribute to a place I feel absolutely no connection to. Also, I have no hopes of winning that award any more, as I am no longer under 40…also because that whole thing is a racket and popularity contest where that small circle of people pats each other on the back. That group soured themselves on me a couple of years back. I’ll spare the details, but suffice to say I have been blacklisted.


7:30-11:00am – Woke up at 7:30. I have taken off of work since last Wednesday, and I’m trying to get back into the swing of it. I start my workweek with a closing shift, so I have the morning to myself at home. Over the weekend, I broke our French press, so I had to replace it. We happened to be in Indianapolis over the weekend, so I took it as an excuse to walk into a Crate & Barrel for the first time. The new press is at least 75% larger than the last one, so I am pleased with the purchase. I’m using it for the first time now. Paired with the coffee is one of my favorite web series, “Welcome to the Basement”. In it, 2 guys watch movies they have never seen before and discuss them. It is funny, and very educational. Today’s episode is on their screening of the ‘70s kung fu classic “Way of the Dragon”, with Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. It seems the only TV I watch anymore are web series; we cut the cable cord several years ago, and really I’m not missing it. Did some small chores…dishes, trash, laundry. I work this weekend so I have some time off during the week; that will be nice. The next 6 weeks or so will be very hectic at work, and I really just want November to be here. OK, time to get ready to go.



…the rest of the day got away from me. I didn’t get the chance to go back and write down my day after this. By the time I was in a position to sit down and type this out, it was gone from memory.