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Diarist A26 Day04

Everyday Life in Middletown
Day Diary-
Sunday February 28

Up at 9am, make coffee, dogs out and in, retrieve Sunday paper from driveway, scan the headlines, shower, dress, medicines and a bagel and then drive to church with my wife T.
We attend Union Chapel on the northeast side of Muncie. We volunteer as greeters for the service, so we arrive to be able to greet each church-goer with a smile, a handshake and a warm greeting.
In between arrivals my wife and I talk about my daughter’s upcoming wedding in October. We see lots of people we know, and many we do not but are familiar faces.
We attend the service which featured the topic of sex after marriage and was announced as being PG-13. Pastor P ran a little long so it was after 12:30pm when we left the church. I think this was the 3rd time I’ve heard him talk about this subject, as I’ve been attending this church since 2003.
We stopped at the Yummy Buffet which is near our home for lunch. Saw a coworker from the hospital and said hello. Had my usual stir fry plus some sushi with wasabi and ginger.
My nephew who is a freshman at Muncie Central, has volunteered to help me with a little project at my house, so I drop my wife off at home and go pick up my nephew. When we get back to my house, we head into the crawl space under the house to inspect for a water leak. My nephew can get into the farthest corners easier than I can. (for some reason I have become claustrophobic in my later years, wasn’t a problem when I was younger.) Job finished, I pay him and take him back home.
4:30pm I opt to get on the treadmill in our spare bedroom. 80 minutes at 3.2-3.5 mph, while watching 2 episodes of Criminal Minds on Netflix. Spend some time stretching out.
I head out to the garage, and use my gas blower to blow out debris and dust. Then I mop the garage floor while listening to Pandora, ‘blues barbecue’ station. It’s a pleasant evening outside and I walk out to greet one of my neighbors who is out for a walk. She and I attended middle school together and she and her husband live a block away. We talk about our dogs, and the warmish weather.
I pull the cars in to the garage, and fix some popcorn and sliced raw veggies and hummus for supper. In my home office, I prepped my equipment and packed materials to teach my class at Ball State this coming Tuesday. I also organized my desk and took a bunch of older magazines to the recycling bin. My subscriptions include Men’s Fitness, Popular Photography, Family Handyman, Indianapolis Monthly, Rotarian and Forbes.
Sunday is laundry day, and my wife does the majority of the laundry functions. She’s got a big stack of clothes for me to put away, which I do, along with making the bed with fresh sheets. I also iron a couple of my shirts for next week at work and add a little shine to my shoes. While doing this, I watch some of the Oscar Awards on TV. Mad Max is cleaning up the awards. I have to concur, as it was one of the best movies (next to Star Wars) that I saw in 2015. My wife has never seen any of the mad Max movies, so I take some time to give her a description of their premise.
I pack my workout bag for the next day, prep the coffee maker, let the dogs out and in, take my medicines, and then go to bed around 11pm.