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Diarist A29 Day 25

Here are two entries:

The Eclipse

Very gradual dim’ness . . .

Very gradual quietness . . .

Very gradual coolness . . .

Then the sky became darker and darker –

faster and faster.

Owls began hooting.

Suddenly it was dark . . .

The sun went out.

A black hole swallowed the sun.

A glow surrounded the hole –

the glow was spikey, not exactly round.

Red embers burned and exploded at points around the black hole.

For four minutes the sun was swallowed by the blackness.

Then, as fast as a blink of the eye, there was a blinding light

and the darkness quickly faded.

The black hole shrank and shrank to nothing.

And the light remained.

The Eclipse

The eclipse is like a death.

There was light . . . life . . . in and with our loved one.

The light gradually dimmed and then went out.

A similar thing happens to the loved one left behind.

Their light goes out.

It seems like the inner light was swallowed by this darkness.

The darkness seems forever.

Is it 4 minutes in the span of a lifetime?

Or is it forever?

Only time knows.