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Diarist A31 Day06

Diary day
Woke up at 5:04 am
Finished homework and woke up my daughter K for school. I got up and dressed for my 8 am class at Ball State, SOCW 220. Missed my bus took the next bus I am late for class. What day so far, I a. At the bus stop waiting and writing my diaries.
Got to class ½ hour late
Worked on my assignments in the Atrium until 12 pm. Caught the Mits bus home and started dinner.
I watched a movie Red 2. Caught the Mits bus back to Ball State for my night class SOCW 370 at 4:30 pm.
In class we talked about alztimer in older adults. Watched a movie Never Left Her. Took bus back home and ate homemade soup with my 13 year old daughter
We talked about her day and are plans for the next day. I ordered bread sticks and salad from Pizza King. I watched a movie with her. Went bed