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Diarist A32 Day06

A Day in My Life
November 14, 2017
6:15 Woke up and looked at the clock. I was very cozy in my bed and my dog was snuggled against me so I rolled over and went back to sleep. No longer need to get up this early.
7:23 My 19 year old cat woke me up by patting my face, gave her a good belly rub, did some stretches, thought about the day
7:30 Feet hit the floor, brush teeth, comb hair and take medications and drank a large glass of water.
7:38 Open blinds, turn on light and prop myself up in bed. I really don’t like mornings.
7:41 Morning prayers and Bible reading – 2 Corinthins 3-7
8:05 Breakfast and read morning paper. Don’t know why I take the paper – not much Muncie news. Oh well. I am so spoiled because hubby routinely fixes my breakfast of yogurt, berries and granola and brings it to the bedroom. We usually have breakfast together.
8:28 Back to bible study
8:40 Sit and talk to hubby. Retirement is so good because I finally get relaxing mornings.
8:55 Reluctantly got up (again). Dog under covers so I have to pick her up and put her on the chair. She really is spoiled but she deserves all the love in the world. Make bed, put away clothes from yesterdays laundry
9:17 Call sister
9:30 Back to cleaning bedroom
9:45 Read A few pages from the book The Nature Fix. I agree with its premise that spending time in nature is important to our mental and physical health and a good way to reduce stress
10:45 Didn’t mean to read for an hour. Head for shower, dry hair, apply a bit of makeup. Made intermittent stops to look out the window where the sun is shining on the coppery oak leaves – very pretty. Dressed in daily uniform of jeans and a sweater.
11:25 Shamelessly, I head downstairs for first time today. Talk to hubby about plans for the day, and toss the dog her ball a few times.
11:30 Kisses good bye, then get in my white Malibu and pull out of the garage. Seat belt in place, and I head to Target to buy curtain rods for bedroom windows. As I drive I notice that some of the corn fields around the airport have recently been cut. Really enjoy driving through this farm country.
11:50 Arrive Target, find curtain rods, then I just have to browse around at other things I don’t intend to buy. Am tempted by a couple of pretties but decide they are not necessary.
12:45 Back in the car heading to sisters house. Being close to her was a major reason we moved back to Muncie after a 42 year absence. No music or radio playing. I love to be surrounded by silence. A good time to let my mind wander.
1:13 Arrive at sisters, and am greeted with doggy kisses.
1:17 Eating ½ of a cheese sandwich and sitting in her living room talking – skipping from one subject to another. I love visiting with her. Let dog out and then in. Once again I am drawn to the sun sparkling on the leaves.
2:25 Rode with sister to a craft store. Driving through downtown brings back good (and old) memories, but it is good to see some interesting shops coming into downtown.
2:50 Arrived at craft store. Just for fun I Iooked at everything, especially Christmas items. Bought a quilt book. I only have a zillion quilt books at home, but just had to have this one too.
4:00 Heading back to Sister’s house.
4:17 Back in my car to head home.
4:38 Home. Good greetings from Husband and dog. One of them danced around me and licked my chin. Went upstairs, used bathroom, washed hands and drank a glass of water.
4:43 Sat down in chair with cat on my lap and dog on arm rest. They are both so jealous of my time. Started reading another book, this one a light mystery by Margaret Truman. Sometimes I wonder why I spend time reading novels, but guess it is for relaxation.
5:00 Hubby came in and asked if I wanted to go out to a Mexican restaurant that is new to us.
5:11 Arrived at restaurant. Good menu but now I have to decide what I want. Food was pretty good. Love having dinner with Hubby because it is such a good time to sit face-to-face and talk.
6:35 Back in car, but Brrr – I am not dressed warm enough. Good thing for heated car seats,
6:45 Arrive at hardware store. I sit in car and wait since hubby just has a quick exchange. The restaurant was noisy and I love the quiet that surrounds me now.
6:50 Shopping done, heading home.
7:02 Home safe and sound. Carry in sacks of the few things I bought earlier, feed the pets, fix myself a glass of ice water, grab a mini scone and head upstairs. My mind keeps thinking about Thanksgiving and trying to pin down the menu since we are hosting.
7:14 Changed into sweats, hung up clothes, all the time thinking how lucky I am to be able to come to comfy and quiet home.
7:23 Sit in favorite chair and continue reading Margaret Truman book. Dog wrapped up in blanket and sitting beside me. We are best buddies.
8:21 Cleaned up for the night and took night medicine.
8:26 Evening bible reading and prayers.
8:50 Pick up tablet and scroll through news and weather. Stopping occasionally to wrap dog back up in blanket and pet kitty. They are such needy children, but I love them.
9:28 Turn out my light so hubby can go to sleep. Continue looking at news items on tablet.
9:40 Read and respond to text messages
9:45 Back to tablet. Starting to cough a lot, sure hope it doesn’t progress.
10:14 Bed time, though I am not particularly sleepy. Put glasses away, turn on my side and hope for good sleep.
Editor’s Note: The diarist Julie Hulse wrote this entry, and requested that her name be attached to it.