rolling into fall, the weather does not quite know what to do with itself. cool, autumn air has come, gone, and should return tomorrow but i foresee summers temps again before too long. today, the weather apps tell me the temps will rise to levels i do not like. at least we have A/C. although a brief blackout early monday morning served as a reminder about the fragility of modern civilization.
today, i got up way too early. sleep simply eluded me after a certain point. the day will last longer than usual, at least in the sense of me having to DO things, because i have a class tonight until 2200. it lasts 7 weeks – tonight represents week 3. after the class, i always feel good but very tired. one of those “tireds” that relaxes and releases rather than exhausts but it still makes for a long day especially when i started so early.
the doggo did not get up immediately with me. i leave the bedroom door shut until a certain time that i do my best to keep consistently. he did finally emerge in time for me to let him out before having to head to work. the one cat came into the main house with vigor, reconnecting with me as he does every morning after a not-so-long night apart. he then gets miffed and turns his back on me as i leave the house to go to work, making sure to sit precisely where i can see him when i exit.
the work day spread out before me blandly, with no highlights, obstacles, or dark clouds to look forward to. not that i had nothing to do, nothing to get done. i had time off the next week which meant i needed to prepare for my absence by getting ahead of my work a bit. but still, the thought of the loooong day stretching out amorphously burdened my soul. sorry for the hyperbole but feelings do not always match proportionally with the quotidian.
i did get some things done, some launched, and some shoved further to the side. the work day lasted just about as long as it needed to. i left early to get some paperwork from my physician that applies to my evening class. i witnessed myself overcome an obstacle during class and feel very happy about that. confident and satisfied. knowing that you can overcome something has a deep meaning, informing our self-worth and sense of security. my son attends, too, and witnessed this happen. after class, i offered to drive him to his car but he declined, preferring to walk alone.
i made it home late to find my wife still up. we talked a bit for the next 2 or 2 and a half hours. my son came home about 20 minutes after i did with fast food drive thru in hand as i predicted but went straight to his room following a perfunctory brief report and retort on getting his usual fast food predilection. i went to bed well after midnight which reaches beyond the scope of this diary day.