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Diarist C46 Day 21

New Year’s Day 2023: An Online History 

One aspect of daily life that I find it difficult to capture in my typical diaries is online life. So, I’ve decided to capture this New Year’s Day by going back to how I used my devices and the Internet/apps that day. 

On Phone (getting going) 

8:27 am: Gmail 

8:27 am: Twitter 


On iPad (usually use during breakfast) 

8:56 am: 4 easy strategies for adding more vegetables. Washington Post 

8:57 am: Perspective: What’s In & What’s Out in 2023. Washington Post. 

9:02 am: Twitter. Post about Twitter being out and then “somehow Twitter” also being in. 

9:06 am: Facebook. 

9:09 am: Yucata (online board game site) 


On Phone 

9:14 am: Twitter 

9:16 am: TikTok 

9:23 am: Instagram 


On Computer 

9:30 am: Google. Email and Drive. Sent out New Year’s email letter to a ton of friends and family that is our equivalent of a yearly Christmas card letter. 

10:10 am: Twitter. Post about an anxiety dream I had that started the new year. 

10:11 am: 8 Tasks for your January home-maintenance. Washington Post. 

10:15 am: Smartphone security guide (been thinking about locking down more things) 

10:55 am: Google doc and email about new tabletop RPG Expanse campaign. 

10:56 am: Roll20 (virtual tabletop for playing RPGs, to see about making character). 

11:00 am-11:15 am: Many different name generation sites, name lists, pronunciation videos for names (yes, I take a long time to name a new character). 

11:14 am: Twitter 

11:15 am: Basic Mashed potatoes recipe. All recipes. (I know how to make mashed potatoes, but when should I start them for a dinner with my parents that is happening at 12:30?) 

11:16 am: Gmail. (parents email rather than text if they have any delays) 


On Phone: 

12:21 pm: Gmail  

12:27 pm: Twitter 

12:27 pm: Instagram 

12:27 pm: Google Photos 

12:27 pm: TikTok  

(These in a row at the same time means I’m not really looking at things, but I’m stimming by clicking around on my phone. I’m always a little nervous waiting for company to arrive.) 


12:30-3:00 pm: No online activity (Family visit) 


On Phone: 

3:00 pm: Google Photos (pictures taken with family) 

3:00 pm: Twitter 

3:37 pm: Gmail 

3:45 pm: TikTok 

3:53 pm: Twitter 

4:46 pm: Instagram 


Between 4:46-7:15 pm off devices other than some texting with a friend 


On Phone: 

7:13 pm: Twitter 

7:13 pm: Instagram 

Break from devices 

7:53 pm: Search for “Night in the Woods” to help describe to wife what I liked about the game. 


Pretty much off devices for the night with a quick gmail check at 9:45 pm. Also checked a lot more this day because of the mass friends and family emails and getting a few replies.