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Diarist F56 Day 24

I woke early and decided to get up because this recent early awakening I’m experiencing is actually going to help me in my training for the Indy Mini, May 4.

Following my half marathon plan on the Hal Higdon app, I ran 4 miles on the treadmill. After that, I showered, drank my chocolate milk with protein powder as a recovery drink, and ate a salad. I’m vegetarian again (not vegan) so I’m striving to get enough protein each day.

I had my prayer time and rehearsed Psalm 103, which I’m trying to memorize. It has to be one of the most beautiful passages ever written.

After doing a few mundane chores, I rested by working a crossword puzzle and watching an episode of Dateline. I like to play sleuth and figure out who the criminal is before the big reveal. I also develop a bunch of motherly anxiety from watching these violent tales and pass random cautionary warnings to my kids when I can’t hold myself back, haha.

At 3:00, I left for an elementary school where I volunteer weekly. The after-school program had a Valentine’s Day party, and it was pretty chaotic. Those kids were licking the frosting off cupcakes left and right, eating small bags of cotton candy, eating all of the things you see in the front of Walmart stores for holidays–basically sugar. At that point, I was glad to leave when my hour for the party was up because those kids were hyper. Usually, I go weekly to read books with two students, 30 minutes each. Their favorite books are by Mo Willems, so I have to insist on other books at times because we’ve been through all of his books several times. They also enjoy the Fly Guy series. Last week, one student told me–with a sly grin on her face, waiting to see my reaction–that she was once a twin but had apparently “swallowed” her twin and was born “mostly alone.” The things these kids tell me, true or false, are quite entertaining!

Home again, I ate dinner, did my nails for Valentine’s Day, read a few chapters in a novel called, “The Wishing Game,” by Meg Shaffer.

Before I slept, I listened to the “Stuff You Should Know” podcast and drifted off to sleep, thoroughly tired and grateful for the day.