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Diarist F57 Day12

October 2, 2019

6:45 AM to 10:30 AM

I set several alarms to make sure I got up on time for work because I have a habit of turning them off and going back to sleep sometimes. After the third alarm went off I got up and did my morning check of emails, texts and social media notifications. I then took a shower, brushed my teeth, flossed and got dressed. I always have some iced coffee in the morning and I was completely out of in in my fridge so I stopped at a gas station to get some and this detour ended up making me five minutes late for work so I had to use some personal leave to make up for it. Work was easy today, it was one of my down days where I can clear backlogged work and I don’t have to directly work with the public. 

So I made the best of my time and put on some headphones and listened to music throughout the day. I took my first break at 10:30 and heard about my co-workers date from the night before. Then I did my other check of my phone and notifications. I contemplate wanting to delete my social media when I realize how much of my time it consumes but I feel it would make me feel even more isolated from everyone. 

10:30 AM to 5:15 PM

I took my lunch at noon and decided to get some Taco Bell. I used to bring my lunch to work and eat in the break room. However, now I go out because I need some space from being in the work building and to clear my mind from work concerns for a few. I come back and continue working till my next break at 3:15 PM. At this time I find out that a co-worker had bought a fake rat and decide to get a few laughs from scaring a few co-workers with it. I tried it on four people and managed to scare two, so I’d say that was a success. I then go back to work and leave at 5:15 PM. When I go out to my car I give my mom a call and see how things are going with her. 

5:15 PM Till the End of the Day

I then come home and put on Netflix and eat some caramel popcorn. I had plans of going on a date tonight and then text the girl and she said she wouldn’t be able to meet till Thursday, which is why I always keep plans fluid. I thought about making other plans but instead I kicked back in my recliner and took an unexpected nap. The nap lasted about an hour and a half. I then wake up hungry and put a frozen pizza in the oven. This is a new one called Quad City style with bacon and jalapeños. While waiting on the pizza I start watching a movie called Blinded by the Light, a movie inspired by the music of Bruce Springsteen. I finish eating about halfway through the movie and then realize I need to buy some iced coffee and bottled water at the grocery. 

I make a trip to Meijer to get my beverages and then end up getting some food there as well. I come back home and unload the groceries then continue to watch the movie. The movie was amazing and definitely one I’d recommend to anyone who is a fan of the music of Bruce Springsteen. I then brush my teeth, floss, and do dishes. Also, for the past year I’ve been doing a series of of thirty day challenges, the previous being taking cold showers and the current to meditate everyday. So I do my meditation and feel so relaxed and peaceful. I sometimes get lost in thoughts though and contemplated about a girl that I recently stopped talking to. I thought I didn’t like her but now that I don’t have her in my life, I miss her, funny how that works. I then fall asleep to start a new day.