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Diarist J73 Day 17

Fri, 10/22 6:09PM

Well, my day started with my getting up out of the, around five o’clock in the morning today. That’s my rising time. And during that period of time, what I plan for the day is things some things carried over from the day prior, my thoughts are completing those in dealing with anything comes up throughout the day. So, this morning, I got up, got a cup of coffee like I normally do. And I’m the only one up at that hour five o’clock in the mornings. I’ll go into the TV room close the door. Did that this morning. Turn on the news. My first interest of the day is weather. And I, because I like to work outdoors. Stay outside in the weather. I’m just, I feel relieved working like that.

So, this morning, had my coffee. I went out and this was our trash day. Or day after our trash day was and checked, make sure that (inaudible) hadn’t blown out of other people’s trash containers wouldn’t blow up in the yard. And also, the get my morning air. Every morning I try to get out to get through early morning air.

After that I came in continue to watch news for a while thinking about my getting in touch with my grandson and great grandsons. And we’ll come by because I want to talk with them about a venture that they were doing jointly. So, beyond that, I continue to watch news for another hour at least. And then I went in and fixed my breakfast which consisted of pancakes and smoked sausage. I ate that and then after that, then the day started.

My wife was up, my daughter’s out there’s, things that she needed my daughter helps with, my in her, care. With the two things that they that she needed to work toward, not long after that my two grandsons come by, you know, sit and talk with them and passed on to them a considerable amount of materials that they can use as they start to develop what they’re working on.

After that I visited with my sister who lives around the corner from where I live and conferred with her on some of the items that things that she was working on at her home and made arrangements to come tomorrow and with her son perform some things she needed done around her house. After they return home and start relaxing a little bit. Then my wife and I and daughter had conversations what we might prepare for dinner.

Throughout the day my thoughts are around family and help that I can. I’m the only male, adult male, close to my sister who’s a widow, in a home that requires some maintenance and upkeep, so I help there. Outside of those things can be a full day of activities. Just basically all I’ve been thinking about throughout the day is often the next job. So that’s pretty much what my day was like. I know many other men have the same type of day.

[Transcribed by / K. Newvine]