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Diarist J82 Day 17

This morning I woke up and did laundry and cleaned our kitchen, which was a mess after wine night with my roommates last night. I’m feeling relieved that I didn’t have a 10am class this morning. I am definitely a little hungover.  


My roommates and I all hopped on the car to drop off one of us at class in the health science building. I also dropped off some math manipulatives that I used for a 4th grade lesson at Bracken Library…in my PJ’s. I like going to Bracken in my PJ’s  


I got to take my sweet time taking a shower. It was the most relaxed I’ve been all week.  


I walked to my honors class in AT. It was a bit too chilly today, but not chilly enough for me to grab a jacket. I am glad I went. I took a different route on my walk home. The sidewalk on University Ave. is unstable but I like to walk past the church that looks like a mansion. I spotted my roommate walking in front of me. Too far to call out to. I texted her but didn’t expect her to see it since she hardly looks at her phone, but she did and she stopped for me.  


I feel good today, maybe it’s because my boyfriend from out of town is visiting. Maybe it’s because I like fall, being a fall baby. Either way, it’s nice to have energy after such a long week. 


The president of my club and I went to Party City to pick up balloons for the homecoming parade tomorrow. 


Finished up a little bit of homework so I can try to relax this weekend. School feels like an endless cycle of work and it’s driving me up the wall. I’ve really been struggling to find the energy to get work done and even some of the commitments that I should enjoy feel like a burden at the moment.  


When I got back from class, I ate soup with my roommate which was oddly peaceful and then I took a much-needed nap. 


Then my boyfriend showed up from out of town around 6. I was so happy to see him. He connects me to a solidified life that I picture outside of Muncie when I’m done with school and makes me feel safe. We went to Brother’s to get food and then followed up with milkshakes at Jack’s Donuts because I had not been yet and I knew if I didn’t go soon, I’d never check it out. We went to bed really early because he was presenting at a conference the next day. We went to bed too early though, and woke up around 11pm, which was disorienting because we came downstairs and my roommate and her friends were getting trashed. Feeling on a completely different wavelength, I only smoked a little bit and then drank some tea to calm myself down. Mostly sober, I still got up to dance with them, and it turned out to be a pretty fun night.