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Diarist L97 Day 24

I woke up at 3:00 in the afternoon, got dressed and drove to Winchester to trade some silver at silvertown. I collect silver, copper and rare coins. I had need of some extra money and had been meaning to go for some time. I left immediately without eating because they close at 5:00 and I needed to make sure that I got there before closed. It had been my intention to just sell but while there I gave in to temptation over a 1889 Morgan Peace dollar. During the drive to and from, I listened to a funny podcast called The Weekly Planet. They’re Australian and they talk about movies, comics and TV shows. Once I arrived home I prepared and ate s meal. I made three eggs over medium, bacon, Earl Gray tea, a bosc pear, a honey crisp apple, a Cara Cara orange, two pieces of Tuscan toast with butter and an English muffin with a hazelnut butter that I had acquired at my previous Farmers market. It’s really yummy, although I have a mild allergy to hazelnuts so I can’t eat too much. While eating, I watched the new comedy special by Taylor Tomlinson on Netflix. Fm a huge fan of hers and I have been waiting for the premiere for months. She’s hilarious as always. I then cleaned up and replaced light bulb on my back porch. Then, despite the sun having gone down, I decided to go to the store for a few things on my bike. I haven’t been exercising anywhere near as much as I should and definitely needed it. So, I rode my bike from my home downtown to the south side Walmart. The ride there was easy enough despite the cold. When I go into any store, I immediately walk through the toy aisles. I collect certain toys. Transformers, He-Man and things like that. I also collect cars from movies and TV. Whether they’d be Hot Wheels or Jada, especially batmobiles. I was happy to find a couple of key pieces that were missing from my collection. I have a growing collection of the DeLorean from Back to the Future in three different sizes. I was happy to find the smaller Hot Wheels version of the hover converted DeLorean. It came out in 2017 so the odds of finding it on the peg for a dollar were very low. It was a nice moment. The ride back home was much more difficult. A cold, stiff wind had come up and it was against me so I was pretty worn out by the time I got home, which was around 9:00, but it was worth it. I felt pretty good from having had the exercise. I then had a long night of baking bread to look forward to. I always work with earbuds and listen to various podcasts or YouTube videos that I like while I work. Sometimes audio books as well. Or, if I can’t find anything else,1 watch my favorite show, community. It’s the greatest sitcom in the history of sitcoms. I have a market every Wednesday evening in Irvington Indianapolis, all year round so I am always up all night every Tuesday. It’s not ideal because I lose a lot of sleep but Fve been forced to bake in my home kitchen since COVID which means ! have to work a lot harder and longer for not as much pay. Tonight I am baking sourdough, salt and pepper sourdough, Bagels, my salted dark chocolate button cookies and my house recipe which is a very popular flavor. It’s like challah meets brioche and it makes the best French toast ever. Around midnight I was struck with the realization that it is Valentine’s Day. I haven’t been a part of relationship since the latter part of 2022 so I wasn’t really paying attention. However if I had thought about it ahead of time, I could have maybe made a push for cookie sales through the business page. Oh well. Tomorrow the l5th is my birthday. I will be 47 years old. Not sure what my thoughts are on that.

People say I don’t look 47 so that’s cool at least. My thoughts on age, time and death are not conventional so it stands to reason that my thoughts on being 47 aren’t either. I am a solipsist. Meaning, personally I question the existence of everything aside from my own consciousness. Everything I see and experience throughout any given day is taken with that grain of salt. Many people think of solipsism as being a very self-centered, selfish philosophy which I suppose it can be taken that way when looked at from a certain perspective but I look at it in a more positive light. To me when everything is questionable, anything is possible. Nothing is taken for granted. As for what happens after we die, or I should say other people’s/ religion’s beliefs concerning what happens, I think a lot of it sounds nice and it would be neat if some of it were real. Who knows though? Certainly none of them. To me, it is folly to come to any conclusions regarding the afterlife or celestial beings/creators/gods. 1 don’t say it doesn’t exist but I also don’t say it does either. I will take things as I am confronted with them. I suppose this is a bit off topic in what seems to be an activity based day journal but rm leaving it in anyway. Not sure how to end this other than just say, The End.