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Diarist Z40 Day03

Feb 23, 2016

I was up early because I watching my soon to be 7 month old daughter who wanted to get up around 4:45 am to wait for mama who comes home around 5:20a from working third shift. It will be a long week of on and off sleep because S. has to work Mon-Weds this week and then the weekend. Got up to around 6:30a to run for 20 minutes on the treadmill before my daughter caught the bus. I am trying to do a cardio workout every other day, and I played basketball on Sunday. Got a little over a mile run in, then went to watch my daughter get on the bus and came in to fix my son L. cereal before school. Got a quick 5 min mediation in and said my morning prayers. Made some coffee, Fair Trade Organic Love Buzz from the Downtown Farmstand on the slow drip. Drank some coffee and tried to get some email and computer work done on my labtop before getting ready for work. I had to make a poster and facebook event page for our R.A.C.E. Muncie group’s monthly meeting now taking place on the 1st Tuesdays of the month. I had finally confirmed a location for the meeting the day before so I had a small window of time to get the word out about it. This is something I help lead as a volunteer but can take a lot of time. I finished the electronic poster and create the event page and started to get the word out. Went upstairs to get ready for work, helped my son get dressed, did some sit ups, pushups and ab workout out with this new rolling wheel thing I bought at TJ Maxx. Hopped in the shower and got dressed and headed out the door. Dropped my son off at school, said our morning prayer on the way. Went to work and immediately had to go up to the second floor for our monthly Wellness Walk and Talk where we learn from health professionals about wellness tips and recipes, and they take our blood pressure, weigh us, and do our BMI. After that went down to my office to catch up on some email and phone messages, read the paper, and got ready for a webinar about Urban Forestry and Tree plantings. Arranged to go the local Indian Buffet with two friends who work in the County Building that I don’t get to see that often. Had lunch at the buffet with them and ran into some other people I knew. It was good. Haven’t ate there in awhile. Went back to the office to handle more pending action items with work, scheduled a phone call at 3p to address an issue with an upcoming training. Talked to my other office mates about doing a salad bar carry in on March 2nd where we all bring in item and have a huge salad bar. Made some work phone calls and played phone tag with someone who left me a message. Cleaned up my desk some because the papers were starting collect. Got off at 4:30p and went straight to the Buley Center to pick up my son. He was in a good mood and got a good report at school and had his homework done. He was playing video games when I got there, and I asked him why he wasn’t outside playing. He said he didn’t want to. Went home to see the rest of the family. Laid with my baby daughter while Mama made some curry vegetable and chicken over rice before sleeping before going into work tonight. Worked with my kids on their homework to make sure all of it gets done. Watched some news on and interviews on CNN and PBS. Fell asleep kind of early because I was tired and my baby daughter went to sleep around 10:30p.
Checked social media like facebook and Twitter before going to sleep.